#oneaday, Day 139: Multimedia Extravaganza

It is indeed a multimedia extravaganza for you today as I share with you both pictures and sound! I even share them both at the same time! That’s pretty exciting, isn’t it. Admit it. You’re a little excited right now at the prospect of pictures and sound at the same time. If you’re not, you’re either lying, or dead inside.

Err, anyway. Today was another one of those beautiful sunny days so, not having anything better to do and not having anyone to share it with, I decided to head out into the sunshine with my camera and take some pictures around the city. Turns out Southampton is actually not a bad-looking city in the sunshine. The city centre has an awful lot of green space, with about five parks all right next to each other. One of them was hosting some sort of arts festival today – there was live music, craft stalls and somewhere, apparently, workshops on things like drawing and making things.

I always find it interesting how wandering around with a camera makes you notice little things more. A flower with a bee on it, for example. If I didn’t have a camera in my hand, I wouldn’t have given that a second thought. But because “ooh, that makes a good photo”, it gets noticed. It’s also immensely annoying if you spot something that will make a good photo and you then miss the opportunity. I didn’t have this problem much today. I even managed to get the bee.

I present to you, then, a YouTube video of some pictures from around Southampton. They’re a fairly random selection, to be honest, and not necessarily particularly characteristic of the city itself. But they’re things that my eye was drawn to today and thus up came the camera, click click, boom. Wait, not “boom”. That’s something else. The music in the video is the theme from Final Fantasy VII, played by me. Oh yes indeedy.

Yes, as well as taking those pictures, I also recorded a few more pieces for your delectation. Four today, in fact. Here they are. As usual, iPhone users should tap on the titles to hear them, while everyone else can use the Flash player and be smug twats about it.

Alone from Persona 4

Living with Determination from Persona 3

Final Fantasy VII Theme

Eyes on Me from Final Fantasy VIII

That’s not quite my normal 500 words, I know. But I gave you multimedia. So I think you can let me off 80 words or so. Except by the time I’ve finished justifying my lack of words I’ll probably have hit 500 words anyway. So I may as well keep going. I hope you all had a pleasant day. I did, although it was rather quiet. Still, it’s nice to have quiet days sometimes, isn’t it? Means you don’t have to fill them with meaningless conversations and attempts to fill spaces that words should go in. Like this one that I’m filling right now. Oh yes. There’s 500 words. Time to go.

Hope you enjoy the slideshow and music. Let me know what you think in the comments.

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2 thoughts on “#oneaday, Day 139: Multimedia Extravaganza

  1. Wow pete, you actually made southampton look good! Really liked the music. There are some great pieces of music in videogames. I often play the Shenmue theme music when i drive.

  2. hi there, your blog is nice and this piece of music as well as the pictures are awesome!!!

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