#oneaday, Day 75: Late again

One of these days I’ll post one of these entries before midnight. If you look at the dates, it looks like I’m a day behind. But I’m not. Oh no. I just stay up late. Which is perhaps not wise. But hey. It’s too late now.

I wrote 650 words of story today. They’re probably crap, but I made an effort to just churn them out regardless. I’ll try and do at least 500 every day, preferably 1000. I can easily get through that. It’s just a case of letting the creativity flow and not worrying about it being stupid. That’s what the editing process is for.

Little else of note has happened today, really. I went out for a walk and took Gowalla with me. For the uninitiated, Gowalla is a location-based app for the iPhone where you “check in” at places to stamp a virtual passport. You can create your own spots too, meaning that eventually, a user-generated map of points of interest in an area is built up. There’s a sort-of game mechanic in there too, with items appearing in places and allowing you to either collect them or drop them elsewhere for others to find.

I’m now up to a hundred stamps. That’s cool, although I did create a whole bunch of them myself. Southampton was a little dry on “points of interest” when Gowalla first launched. Now, thanks to the machinations of myself and several others in the area, there’s now lots to see. Interestingly, I’ve got to know a couple of people (not face to face… yet) simply through playing with Gowalla, which is nice. There is talk of a “tweetup” at some point in early April so if I’m feeling super-brave I may go and check it out. We shall see.

Elsewhere today, I rediscovered LittleBigPlanet, which is still one of the best-looking games on PS3. There’s some incredibly creative levels out there, too – but you knew that already. Tonight, I played through a selection of excellently designed levels by a guy whose name escapes me right now, as well as a perfect recreation of the first bit of Bioshock, albeit with some rather poor writing spelling, punctuation and grammar-wise. My mind draws a blank any time I fire up the level designer for LittleBigPlanet and I am yet to create a level. I’m sure I’ll think of something eventually, though.

Tomorrow, I have a music pupil in the morning and then the remainder of the day… who knows. Since coming back from PAX East, it’s been an odd feeling to be “free”, though of course the money thing is something of a worry. I have let various agencies know I’m available for work, however, and of course, if you know anyone who is interested in either music or computer tuition in the Southampton area, I invite you to direct them here for music lessons or here for computer lessons. That would be marvellous, ’cause if I get enough pupils between those two things, I won’t have to set foot in a classroom, even as a supply teacher, ever again. But that won’t work just yet, unfortunately. That’s the plan, though.

Right. I’m off, because it’s nearly 2am. Good night!

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