#oneaday, Day 69: #PAX Day 2

Wow, what an insanely hectic day. This is going to be a short one as I’m absolutely knackered.

Today we caught a couple of panels – firstly, the “Death of Print” panel that my brother was appearing on along with several others, and then the “Podcasting for PR” panel featuring Shawn Elliott, Jeff Green, Ken Levine, Major Nelson and a guy from Insomniac whose name escapes me right now. Both were excellent, thought-provoking discussions. The podcasting one in particular gave us some great ideas for future podcasts, and the “Death of Print” panel raised some interesting questions and food for thought about the future of the print vs online divide. Particularly after hearing those guys speak, I firmly believe there is a future for both, but each should stop trying to be the other.

I got the chance to spend some time with my brother today, which is an extremely rare pleasure, with the last time I saw him, if I remember correctly, being our wedding well over a year ago. I also got to hang out with Shawn Elliott, N’Gai Croal and some other media types whose (I apologise) names also escape me right now in my super-tired state. Not to sound like that pathetic fanboy, but it was actually quite an honour to get the chance to sit down and talk to a selection of people who have helped shape the games industry into what it is today. So I guess this is a public “thank you” for those guys giving me the time of day – and hopefully not just because of my last name. Thank you to big bro for letting me tag along, too.

Didn’t get the chance to hang with the Squad as much as I wanted to today but, you know, family has to come first sometimes. Tomorrow, though, will be a different matter, as John flies back early in the morning leaving the day free for Squad activities. And I am certain there will be plenty – watch this space for further details!

I have more to talk about but I can barely keep my eyes open right now. More tomorrow!

The only last thing I do want to share is that PAX is awesome. It’s such a good feeling to be in a place with sixty thousand other “harmless” and “nice” people. Normally I hate being in crowds as it makes me feel self-conscious, but the wonderful thing about PAX is that we are surrounded by people who are just like us – people who like the same things (to varying degrees), people who don’t feel the need to be unpleasant just for the sake of it (the fear of which is what causes the greatest amount of anxiety to me) and above all, people who are just friendly, pleasant, intelligent and fun to be around.

Also, there was a totally hot Bayonetta cosplayer wandering around today, which made both Chris and me very happy indeed. You can mock cosplay all you want, but when someone is 1) attractive and 2) making a proper effort the results are just… wow. Anyway, enough of that. Late night delirium talking. *wipes dribble off chin*

To anyone still out on the town tonight: have a great one and I’ll catch you tomorrow. To anyone back at home wishing they were here: you should definitely make the effort to come to a PAX if you ever get the opportunity. To anyone back at home reading this and thinking “what the fuck is he talking about?” – politely respect the nerds in your community and continue about your business.

Good night!

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3 thoughts on “#oneaday, Day 69: #PAX Day 2

  1. I really wish I were able to go to PAX. I think the fact that you and plenty of other internet comrades all being there (and, as some of A.J.’s photos attest to, together at that) makes it harder. It’d be awesome to meet up with some of the folks who not only share a passion but build an interesting social circle without being in the same place.

    I do plan on attending the west coast PAX in the next few years, but I have to wonder if friends will be there or not.

    P.S. You met Shawn Elliott – that’s rad.

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