One A Day, Day 13: Round Midnight

Yes, I’m aware it’s after midnight. But the official One A Day rules clearly state (somewhere… possibly not on that page, but I can’t be bothered to look it up right now) that the “day” is from when you get up until when you go to bed. And I’m not in bed yet. So there.

It is, however, late, so this entry is going to be somewhat phoned in. Fortunately, there’s not a great deal to talk about today. Got up, played some Mass Effect in preparation for the sequel, played some Star Trek Online (which the official Head Start has now begun for) and went to my buddy Sam’s for some board games, Chinese and booze. We played Power Grid. I lost. Then we played Carcassonne, and I also lost. Still, never mind. It’s the taking part that counts, and all that.

We did rediscover the wonder of gin and tonic though. In recent years, I’ve found that a lot of booze leaves me with an unpleasant feeling of heartburn very quickly, meaning I can’t drink much of a lot of things and when I do, I don’t enjoy them that much. The G&Ts we had tonight went down rather too smoothly if anything, and made the already-lengthy game of Power Grid last even longer than usual. That’s no bad thing, though, since it’s a fun game that taxes your brain.

Tomorrow I may be taking a trip with Sam to take some photos. Haven’t got my camera out to take some proper photos for ages, so if we do go it’ll be good to get back into it. Interesting ones will, of course, be shared here.

Right. Now it’s time for bed. G’nite.

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4 thoughts on “One A Day, Day 13: Round Midnight

  1. Power Grid is a German strategy game where players are in charge of supplying electricity to either Deutschland or the US.

    Each round you auction power plants, which get steadily better through the game, then buy resources (coal, oil, garbage or uranium) to make them work. Each power plant has a certain number of cities it can power, with the better power plants powering more cities for less resources.

    Then you purchase connections between cities to build your network. Finally you expend your resources to power said cities and get income for the number you’ve successfully powered. Repeat until someone has built into 17 cities.

    It’s an interesting game that changes subtly as you go through. It also does some interesting things with turn order – if you’re “winning” at any point you’re given a significant handicap.

    It also takes quite a long time to play, especially if you’re drinking. But it’s one of those games that doesn’t “feel” long.

  2. Heartburn after booze is not a good thing, you should get DRs to check it out….my bro had exactly the same thing and his gall bladder was enormous and had to come out!

  3. Hmm. Maybe “heartburn” is the wrong word. It’s more like the feeling you get when you drink something a bit too acidy. Unless that is the same thing.

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