#oneaday Day 12: Establishing a Routine

I successfully got up early and went for a swim today. I’m actually surprised that I’m not struggling to get out of bed at 7am, given that one of the main reasons I was getting up five minutes before starting work was feeling super-tired in the morning.

I suspect it’s something to do with circadian rhythms or something along those lines. There are apparently “sweet spots” of time when I am able to get up and get things done without difficulty, and times when it is not easy to haul myself out of bed and start the day. 7am appears, at the moment at least, to be one of those sweet spots. Around about 9am is another. 8am, meanwhile, is apparently a no-no for my body, for whatever reason. After 9am, judging by how late we tend to get up at weekends, the next sweet spots are several hours later.

Regardless of the reason for it, I’m feeling quite satisfied with myself for successfully making a start on establishing a new routine with morning exercise. It’s still early days, of course, but I have at least reached my goal for this week, which was to make it out of the house before work to do some exercise at least twice. Given that the relatively “sudden” amount of exercise is making me a bit achey and stiff (not in a fun way), I’m of course going to be careful not to overexert myself, so tomorrow will either be a rest day, or a day in which I head out to the gym rather than the pool in the afternoon rather than first thing in the morning. Probably the former, if I’m being completely honest. One thing at a time.

I’m glad I’ve made that commitment to be a member at the leisure centre for a year. Their facilities are pretty good, and their timetable is friendly to someone who works for a living. One of the problems I had with the last place I was at a member at — the university — was that the timetable for the pool in particular was very tricky to get along with, as, being a university facility, it was often in use for things other than public swimming.

I also didn’t like the university gym much; it tended to be a bit crowded, and it had a real problem with people just sitting on machines staring glassy-eyed at TikTok rather than actually getting the fuck on with their workout. I made sure to mention this in the obligatory “Tell Us How We Did!” survey after I ended my membership, and they did at least acknowledge that it was an issue. Whether or not they’ll do anything about it is anyone’s guess, but it’s not my problem any more.

Anyway. My cat Patti is bugging me for attention and keeps clawing my leg as I type this, so I guess I better leave that there. Until next time!

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