One A Day, Day 2: More Bollocks

Here we are again. Good evening. What to talk about today?

I was all set to do an immensely amusing post where I wrote down all those stupid random thoughts that come into your head and you really want to say out loud but then don’t because they’d make you look like an imbecile. But I forgot to write anything down, apart from the one I had in the shower last night which, for the record, was “Don’t you hate it when you’re in the shower and close your eyes to stop the soap going in, but nearly fall asleep?” – because I’d closed my eyes to stop the soap going in and had nearly fallen asleep. That’s what I get for showering at midnight after taking an actually-not-that-ill-advised run at a late hour in the evening while our podcast uploaded.

So I have to think of something else to write about. Having been at work all day and not listened to the news I can’t even comment on that… or can I?

*checks BBC News*

Oh, right. Cadbury got taken over by Kraft or something. I did know that, probably thanks to Twitter. Job cuts bad. Cheesy chocolate bad. Boo hiss, and so on.

Okay, that’s the news covered, what did I get up to today? Well, I applied for another job. Most of you know how much I bitch and moan about how much I hate my job, so I applied for another one that I thought I’d like. I enjoy the writing, as should hopefully be apparent from this site (and also this one – the new home of my games-related ramblings), so a writing-based position sounds right up my alley. At this point, I’m not even too bothered if it means a pay cut, as the employer in question (whom I won’t reveal for the moment so as not to jinx things) is pretty high-profile and has a lot of potential for building a future career.

Ugh. Hate phrases like that. So management-speaky. Sometimes you have to use it, and it sucks. One thing I want to make sure I never do is become one of those tossers who sits in their office in a patronising manner, talking to employees about “going forward” and saying that “as a manager…” blah blah blah whilst simultaneously crippling said employees’ self-esteem and sense of independence. Yes, I do have some specific examples in mind but it would be unprofessional and unkind of me to mention them by name.

It’s Charlie Brooker’s Newswipe tonight, a fact which the BBC have inexplicably left off their own site. Charlie Brooker’s work is always a laugh and a half, so I’m looking forward to this new series. Plus I might actually have something to say about the news after watching it. You never know.

Well, that’s today’s brain-dump done and dusted. Two-day combo! I might make it to the end of the year yet.