#oneaday Day 615: lucy1

hello, they say its my turn so here i am . . . hope im not to boring or anything but u will have to ignore my rubish typing and spelling cause im more of a talker really hehe

maybe i shud get one of those clever things that u can talk into and get it to write what you say but id probably break it lol !! perhaps getting a job in an office might b a better idea but i like working in the coffee shop

i had a funny day today, i dont normally work on sundays but today i had to cover for simon . . . simon is nice but he doesnt really do it for me but ive caught alex checking him out a few times when shes come in for coffee in the middle of the day . . . perhaps i shud hook them up with one another at some point !! simon wasnt there today tho so ill stop talking about him . . . anyway he meant i had to work today . . . what a tosser !!

today started off like a normal work day only with more people lookin happy that its the weekend coz it was the weekend . . . tho in a couple of minutes it wont be no more . . . bloody pete !! wish hed write his stupid blog on time then i wudnt hav to b here writing this . . . but anyway

today started off like a normal work day and it was pretty normal all day except around lunchtime wen this guy came in and he was like well fit . . . i think we had a moment when he came in but jeremy got to him first and started flirting it up . . . jeremys a big gay and im not being like homofobic or whatever there coz he is like a proper gay . . . and if his boasting is true then he is big as well . . . tho im never gona find out . . . even if he wasnt gay i wudnt be into him coz hes a tosser but not as much as simon for making me work on sunday

but anyway jeremy was all like flirting and stuff with this fit guy but he says straight up “look man . . . im happy u like me but im not gay” . . . it was kinda hot how he was all like direct and stuff and im sure he looked at me when he said it tho he might hav been lookin at the specials board coz that was behind me and he ordered a special straight after tellin jeremy that he wasnt a big gay like him . . . he had the bluberry cheesecake . . . its well nice . . . but mostly he was lookin at me i think

thats about it really . . . i guess lookin back on it it wasnt that exciting really but hey . . . thats me and how my life goes . . . maybe ill see him again or maybe hell be another one that got away lol !!

ah well . . . at least im not desperate enough to jump into bed with phillipe . . . if ur new to petes blog u shud know a couple of things . . . firstly he writes much better than me with proper words and commas and stuff plus he knows where the appostrofee or however u spell it key is . . . secondly that phillipe is a perv and a weirdo and i really dont know why alex ever slept with him cause shes hot . . . i wonder if shes embarassed about being a ginge . . . maybe !!

oh and im lucy by the way . . . nice to meet u !! if pete remembers to write his blog on time in future we might not see much of each other but if he doesnt ill be right back here !!

#oneaday Day 613: Guest Post

The rest of us and Pete have come to an arrangement. If he hasn’t written a blog post by a particular time, whichever one of us has decided to be on duty that day will write it for him. That’ll teach him! Lazy bastard.

I should add at this point that Pete doesn’t know about this arrangement yet, but by the time he stops messing about with Minecraft on the other computer, he might notice. Or he might not notice until the morning, which will be funny. Probably. Or he might be mad. I hope he’s not mad. I don’t like him when he’s mad. He breaks things. He doesn’t really. At least he hasn’t in front of me, anyway. I did hear him doing something that sounded awfully like punching the sofa one time, but I figured that walking in on him doing that might not be a good idea, so I left him to it. By the time I decided enough time had passed by, he’d stopped and he seemed to be all right, which was nice.

I’ve never written a blog before. This is kind of fun. Am I supposed to write about something? I’m not sure if anyone will answer me. I have a feeling writing a blog isn’t quite the same as posting something on Facebook. I mean, I guess there’s comments and all, but people sort of expect things in a bit more depth than “OMG that guy in the coffee shop was so fit lol!” He was, though. But I’ll save that story for another day, assuming Pete doesn’t bar us all from access to this blog after this.

I should probably explain who I am if you don’t know what on Earth is going on and who is this strange person writing in Pete’s place for tonight. I’m Alex. I’m in the picture above. I have red hair. I like trashy magazines and watching silly TV shows like The X-Factor. I draw the line at Big Brother though. It just seems a bit pointless. I mean, I know X-Factor is ultimately a bit pointless too but people singing seems a bit more… what’s the opposite of pointless? Pointy? People singing seems a bit more pointy than people just wandering around a house all day. That doesn’t sound right, but you know what I mean.

I got that weird new Facebook timeline thing today. I’m not sure I like it. It’s all different and things are in funny places and some girl on my friends list that I haven’t spoken to for about fifteen years said that it’s an Orwellian invasion of privacy or something and said that I should unsubscribe from something or other. I don’t really understand it. I’m still not quite sure I get Facebook at the best of times, but I know it’s where to go to play Cityville and stuff like that. (Level 70! Add me! Don’t tell Pete I used his blog to look for Cityville friends, I know he hates Cityville for some reason, but I don’t know why, it’s fun!)

I think I can hear him coming up the stairs. Time to log off and hide. I hope he’s not mad. Night night! Alex xxx