About Pete

Hello. I’m Pete. I’m an English man with a beard, Asperger syndrome and a gigantic game collection.

I write manuals and digital media for the good folks over at Evercade.

I’m the former news editor for Eurogamer’s American arm USgamer and worked alongside, among others, industry veterans Jaz Rignall and Jeremy Parish. During my time at USgamer I helped the site carve out a niche as being friendly to fans of modern Japanese gaming — though sadly following my layoff in the summer of 2014, there was no-one willing to take up my mantle. I continued my enthusing about Japanese games in my own time over on my other site MoeGamer, and this subsequently led to a position on Rice Digital prior to my going full-time with Evercade.

Over the years, I’ve been a teacher, a software trainer, a video games journalist and afflicted with crippling depression. You may have seen some of my work on GamePro.com, Kombo.com, Good Old Games, What They Play and IGN. You may also have used my guides in the sadly now-defunct PC Zone magazine to get all the secrets in Final Fantasy VII, endure the lengthy adventure that was Lands of Lore II, or solve the mysteries of Discworld 2.

This is my personal blog. It was once part of the #oneaday project, a group of daily bloggers hoping to say something of vague note every single day. I love writing, so I had no issue making it to the end of one year… then another… eventually drawing things to a close after a mighty 2,541 days. And then starting again, because why not.

The things I write about on this blog are diverse. My main loves are video games, music, anime and the act of writing itself. I also enjoy being grumpy about things. These posts, as you might expect, represent my own personal opinions on all things and do not in any way reflect the opinions of anyone else, unless you happen to agree with what I’m saying, in which case they also reflect your opinion. There are also links and references to content on here that may offend some people — primarily of the lewd variety — for which I make no apologies.

Want to chat? Get in touch!