1453: Winding Down

Jan 10 -- WeekendAnd so we come to the end of another week, with the prospect of a nice relaxing weekend sprawling out in front of me.

This week feels like it’s been quite a long one. Not really for any particular reason; things have just dragged a little, and I’ve been quite busy. Still, better that than be twiddling my thumbs or wallowing in a black puddle of depression, right?

Not sure how I’m going to spend the weekend as yet. I’m almost certain there will be some Final Fantasy XIV involved, and probably some Danganronpa — which I’m previewing next week for USgamer — too.

I can’t say a lot about Danganronpa at present due to content embargoes and whatnot — though it’s the kind of embargo that says I can’t talk about content in the game after a certain point in the story, not the kind that gags me until a specific date — but I will say that it’s utterly fantastic. If you have enjoyed any combination of Corpse Party, Ace Attorney, 999, Virtue’s Last Reward and adventure games or visual novels in general, you’re going to have an absolute blast with this one — though bring a strong stomach, because you’re going to need it.

Other than that — well, even with all that, really — not a lot of great import or interest has happened this week. I mean, I received my gigantic fabric wall scroll poster of Nepgear from Hyperdimension Neptunia and hung it on my wall having successfully remembered how to use picture hooks after initially forgetting, but that’s not all that fascinating, really. (It is a great poster, though.) And I reached level 50 in Weaver on Final Fantasy XIV the other night by discovering an extremely easy repeatable quest and then simply making forty-seven pairs of woolen tights in order to complete it multiple times in rapid succession — I must have looked funny running back and forth between the Levemete and the quest’s “target” over and over, with the distinctive “level up” flash surrounding me every few minutes. But again, of all the things I’ve done in that game to date, that’s not one of the more interesting things I’ve done.

I’m looking forward to next week, though, since Tuesday is our first official board gaming night of the new year, and it’s my turn to pick what we get to play. Since I’ve received a pleasantly large selection of new games through a combination of Christmas presents and Christmas money, I’m taking along a nice taster selection for us to enjoy — and with many of them clocking in at half an hour or less to play through, we should hopefully have time to get plenty of gaming in over the course of the evening. I wonder which of the games will go down the best — or if we’ll get time to squeeze them all in? We’ll see. I’m particularly looking forward to experimenting with the insanity that is ten-minute real-time dice-rolling game Escape.

Anyway. That is that for now. My working week is over, so I’m going to go and flop on the sofa with a coffee now. Have a pleasant weekend!

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