1390: Temporary Interlude

Forgive the sudden break in the action, but I’m out this evening, have been drinking and am not in a situation where coming up with 2,000 words of prose is particularly practical — especially as I’m writing on my phone — and as such I’m taking a temporary break for tonight; I shall catch up over the next few days.

What I did want to mention briefly while I’m out of narrative mode is the fun I’ve been having with Nintendo’s Wii Fit U, which released for free on the eShop the other day. I enjoyed the original Wii Fit but found its lack of overall structure a little frustrating; Wii Fit U is much better in this regard, offering training programs according to how many calories you want to burn or how long you want to work out for, although ironically now those features are available I haven’t been using them all that much!

It’s the new activities that are the main attraction. There’s a selection of dance routines, for example, that require you to rhythmically step on and off the Balance Board while doing various arm movements using Wii Remotes in each hand, and some fun new games that provide a surprisingly decent workout while remaining genuinely fun.

Highlights for me so far have been the Jazz dance routine, which I’ve pretty much mastered on its easy difficulty but get completely tied in knots on its Advanced variant, and the minigame Puzzle Squash, in which you whack balls back at a wall made of coloured blocks in an attempt to knock out large contiguous like-coloured areas. It’s a fun workout that gets you moving, but the skill element, whereby your timing determines where the ball ends up and thus how you score, that proves most addictive. I found myself firing it up just to play outside of my “workout” session earlier, such is its fun factor.

Most importantly, though, Wii Fit U has got me off my arse and doing some exercising again. Not a lot, admittedly, and hardly the most intense workouts in the world, but that’s fine; after becoming so demotivated and discouraged by the whole thing, this sort of gentle, fun easing back in is exactly what I needed.

Anyway. Time for bed. The story continues tomorrow.

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