One A Day, Day 1

Or: “Good intentions and all that.”

Inspired by… well, by curiosity more than anything else, this is the beginning of my personal attempt to write at least one thing every day until the end of the year. Even if it’s meaningless self-indulgent crap. Which, as you’ll know if you’ve read this blog before, it usually is.

Curiosity for what though? Well, the mysterious Twitter hashtag #oneaday of course, which I first spotted on the feed of Lauren “atheistium” Wainwright and, upon further research, found that it’s actually a whole network of people attempting to do this, in the style of photographers doing a “one photo a day” challenge, or something like MyDailyPhoto (also self-indulgent crap, but at least you won’t find me on there – I don’t photograph well, least of all when I’m stressed out). I like writing. I don’t do enough of it. So here’s an opportunity to write something – anything – every day.

If you’re reading this it’s highly likely that you know who I am already, but for the sake of anyone who has started reading this blog purely because of the #oneaday shenanigans (Hi! How are you?), let me briefly introduce myself. My name’s Pete. I’m 28, British, male and hairy. I’m also a massive nerd. I appear on, produce and edit a podcast called the Squadron of Shame SquadCast, which delves into the bargain bins of forgotten and overlooked games from years gone by, plays through them and then podcasts about them with the eventual aim of coming up with a verdict as to whether or not you should bother playing them or not. If it’s not worth playing, there’s generally some interesting discussion about it, at least. Go take a listen. You’ve got over 25 episodes to catch up on. Then go read my gaming blog, and follow me on Twitter. If you don’t have anything better to do, of course.

I am, currently at least, a primary school teacher. This is the second time I’ve gone into teaching as a career, having spent three years as a secondary school music teacher a while back, and the only difference this time is that I’ve decided I hate it a lot quicker than last time, this time. So I’m getting out at Easter, even though at the time of writing I don’t have anything to go to yet.

What happened today? I went to work. I came home, ate sausages, uploaded the latest episode of the SquadCast. Then I went for a run. I don’t run. I’m not good at it. But a buddy on Twitter recommended a site with a good programme to get you up and running (no pun intended) gradually so I’m giving that a shot. I have a gym membership that I use when I can (…be bothered), but one of the reasons I despise my job with a passion is that it’s forty miles away from where I live, meaning that by the time I get home, I don’t really feel like getting ready for the gym, whereas running I can at least do near my house. Plus I have a funky iPhone app that maps my runs and tracks my embarrassingly low speeds, too.

Anyway. It’s after midnight and I have to be up at 6am. I look forward to enjoying daily writers’ block with any of you other #oneaday-ers out there. Until tomorrow, then.

(Disjointed stream of consciousness for the win.)

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7 thoughts on “One A Day, Day 1

  1. Interesting; I applaud your attempt at writing “once a day”. Since I have you on my feed, I’ll make sure you keep honest. You should link that site you mentioned earlier; speaking of keeping honest, I need to do so with keeping myself healthy. I guess, see you tomorrow? Or later today? Or something…

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