#oneaday Day 575: Tiredscom

Well, I’ve been up since before 4am this morning UK time and am just now settling down into bed. I think it’s pretty fair to say that I have had A Long Day and am perfectly justified in feeling as exhausted as I am right now.

I wouldn’t change it for a thing, though — this kind of tired is satisfied tired, the satisfaction you get from knowing that you’ve done something that you enjoy, and that your efforts go appreciated. Compare and contrast with teaching for example, where your efforts frequently went without notice. Eventually as the profession drove me closer and closer to the brink of insanity I just stopped putting in that extra effort because it really wasn’t worth it. It didn’t benefit the kids, who were as irritating as ever; it didn’t benefit my colleagues, who were as stressed out as ever; and it sure as hell didn’t benefit me.

But we’re not talking about that today. We’re talking about the satisfaction and reward that comes with doing something that you enjoy. That reward isn’t necessarily monetary in nature (though it’s nice when it is) — it could be the simple sense of pleasure that comes from seeing your name in “lights”, from a kind word or from the knowledge that you’re building a good reputation.

Whatever it is, I encourage you to pursue it. Life’s too short to spend your time trapped in something you hate, however “practical” it might be. Follow your dreams and however tough the road might be, you never know where you might end up.

On that note, I’m absolutely knackered so the only road I’m following now is the one that leads to the bed. Night night.

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