
Hello everyone! It’s been a long time since an update on this blog, I know, and there likely won’t be many (any?) more after this, but it will remain up for those who wish to read of my experiences over the course of the beginning of the decade.

I wanted to drop by to let anyone still following here know a few things: firstly, remember that I’m updating my other site MoeGamer pretty much every day with a variety of detailed features about video games both modern and retro. There are over a thousand articles on the site covering more than 300 different games at the time of writing, and I still have lots to write about. I hope you’ll join me in celebrating the overlooked and underappreciated games from over the years.

Secondly, I have a YouTube channel up and running now, and putting out a reasonably regular stream of video content. At present it’s primarily themed Let’s Plays, covering old Atari 8-Bit and ST games, the Warriors series of games on consoles (Warriors Orochi specifically at the time of writing) and some other bits and pieces as and when I find time and/or the inclination to put them together. Drop by and subscribe here.

Thirdly, my aforementioned YouTube channel and my Soundcloud page play host to a regular(ish) podcast that I record with my good friend Chris Caskie, a wonderfully talented artist and writer who you should support and commission! On the podcast, we discuss recent happenings in gaming and what we’ve been playing recently before moving on to a themed topic for the episode. So far we’ve covered everything from music that gives you what I like to call “the goosebump effect” to the Sonic the Hedgehog series, and we’ve had some great discussions as a result. For those who miss the good old days of the Squadron of Shame SquadCast, this should scratch that itch. Check out a full list of the episodes to date over on MoeGamer, including links to subscribe via YouTube, Soundcloud, RSS and iTunes.

Finally, I’ve started keeping a #oneaday daily blog again! This time around, however, it’s going to be a little more “private” and exclusive; I’m hosting it on my Patreon page rather than here on WordPress. For the unfamiliar, Patreon is a service where content creators can get paid for what they create by generous patrons contributing a certain amount per month, and it’s a great way of funding creative projects of various descriptions.

MoeGamer has become a passionate hobby and a huge part of my life since I started really taking it seriously a couple of years back, and in order to keep it up and running there are various expenses: a WordPress premium account, a domain name, podcast hosting on Soundcloud, equipment for recording videos, hardware to keep my computer fighting fit and, of course, the games, accessories and consoles I actually write about. Patreon helps make a small dent in those expenses at the moment, but I’d love to attract some more people to help out and allow me to expand the site and its ambitions further in 2019.

For just $1 a month, you can both help me out and get access to my daily blog posts if those were/are something you enjoy. (And for $5 a month, you get the blogs and a monthly wallpaper featuring MoeGamer mascots Midori and Yumi!) You’ll also get access to my private invite-only Discord server if you use that service and would like to hang out with me and other like-minded people.

Even if you think the stuff I cover on MoeGamer or YouTube might not be your jam, I encourage you to check them out — you might be pleasantly surprised at the breadth of stuff I’ve covered to date. And even if this content is still not your thing, I hope you’ll consider supporting my personal passion projects in exchange for simply once again being able to read my personal musings on life, love and dreams about poo.

If you’d like to join up and help out, click here to check out my Patreon page and show your support. And I’ll try, once again, to think of something interesting to write about each day!

Thanks for your time!

Updated July 1, 2019