1363: Near Miss

Whew. Made it. Nearly went to sleep without writing something. Doing so wouldn’t really matter, of course, but it’s a matter of personal pride by this point. It has been 1,363 days of daily posts (of wildly varying quality) after all.

So now here I am at 1am trying to think of something to write and, in my tired-out state, struggling. So I’ll just do some sort of babbling on about what’s going on this weekend and hope that’s vaguely interesting to at least one person out there somewhere.

Actually, pretty much nothing’s going on this weekend. We went out to town earlier, mainly for me to go and look for a course book for my Japanese evening class, but Waterstones failed me so I’m going to have to turn to the Internet, as ever. I don’t know why I’m surprised.

Then tomorrow we are taking Lucy the rat to the vet. You may recall a while back that Lara the rat wasn’t very well and I was worried about her — thankfully she seems to have made a full recovery thanks to some medicine we were given for her, so that’s good. Lucy, on the other hand, has suffered with a snuffly nose for quite some time and it seems to have gotten a little worse recently, so we’re going to go get her checked out just to see if there’s anything we can do. Said snuffly nose doesn’t actually seem to bother her all that much, since she’s still as energetic and mischievous as ever — she’s very much “the childish one” compared to the older, lazier Lara — and so I’m not too worried; I just hope it’s not been causing her too much discomfort.

That’s about it, really. Andie and I played both Flash Point and Guildhall earlier, both of which are board/card game acquisitions from our trip to Canada a while back. I contemplated teaching Andie the full rules for Agricola, but by the time that was a possibility it was already getting late and my brain wasn’t up to the task of medieval German farming, so that’s something to save for another day.

Played a bit more Beyond earlier, too. Still very impressed with the whole thing and intrigued to see where it goes. I have a lot more patience for David Cage letting loose than most other people, it seems, but it’s been nice to talk to a few people who have also been enjoying it and don’t feel the need to ridicule and mock Cage at every opportunity.

That’s definitely it now. I’m going to bed because I should have been asleep half an hour ago, so now I’m going to go and do that. Yeah.

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