Liveblogging from the bar

Well, here I am again, “here” being The Hobbit, aforementioned little live music-friendly pub, waiting for another group to strut their stuff on the tiny downstairs stage and sipping on a vibrantly radioactive-looking Gandalf as I wait.

I’m here as a result of a very pleasant and courteous Facebook message from Andy of Haunted Stereo who you’ll recall, if you’ll cast your mind and/or your browsers back, was playing The Hobbit the same night as Penny Arcade but I was too full of drinks that look more like toilet cleaner to be able to comment coherently on.

Given that I was asked so pleasantly, and my dubious “research” for the last post (well, hyperlinking the bands in question’s MySpace pages) showed that Haunted Stereo would be a potentially entertaining band to watch, I find myself here at the bar with another glass of Domestos and a chicken-obsessed drunk making “small talk” (which, of course, is anything but) with the poor saps serving drinks.

I am blogging from the bar because I can. At least I’m honest about it. A full report of the gig will follow sometime in the next couple of days (i.e. when I actually have a free moment to write it). Along with a SquadCast.

Rock on!

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