Comments on: #oneaday Day 763: A Question That No-One Seems To Have Asked Regarding RPGs One existential crisis at a time Wed, 22 Feb 2012 00:21:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pete Davison Wed, 22 Feb 2012 00:21:37 +0000 In reply to judsgamereviews.

There’s a time and a place for non-PCness and, so far as I’m concerned anyway, a personal blog is the place to do it. What other place on the Net are you going to call your own? 🙂

On here, I primarily write for me as an outlet, a means of free expression, mental blotting paper, whatever you want to call it. The fact that other people on occasion read and enjoy it is a happy bonus! I like to think that my posts put across “who I am” a lot better than, say, the writing I do for my day job. There, I’m writing to a word limit and a style guide and then being edited; here, I’m unedited, unfiltered, uncut and unfettered. While on occasion that may lead to rambling nonsense, it also lets me be “myself” at times when there might not be someone on hand to talk to — or when I don’t want to say things out loud to someone.

Interesting aside: when I was living back at home with my parents after my marriage broke down, I found it quite difficult to write quite so “honestly” as they read everything and, when I was there, tended to talk to me about it. I didn’t always like that — sometimes I wrote things simply to get them out of my head and away, and talking about them brought them back in an often unwelcome fashion. Now I’m in my own place with my girlfriend, I’m finding it easier once again to just, you know… write.

Cheers as always for the kind comments. 🙂

By: judsgamereviews Tue, 21 Feb 2012 02:36:23 +0000 PS: you need a NaNoWriMo heading in your side bar. I don’t see your creative writing blogs there. How can I identify them – I am really interested in your work. Jud

By: judsgamereviews Tue, 21 Feb 2012 02:34:14 +0000 Rofl I’ve been going to reply to several of your blogs, but had to to this one. Reminds me of when my son and his mates sat around our table playing D&D board game!
How do you manage to be so funny when you are tired so late at night? I think that’s what draws me to your blogs – your humour.
And you write as I wish I could let myself – I get hung up on the PCness of it and then delete away. What a custard I am. Mind you I am more relaxed in my Creative Writing blog.
I think I need to have an adult blog going. But if I just use an adult category on my main blog then kids might still see it. Now I’m suremost of them would use more colourful language than me and more often, but the responsible part of me hesitates to influence them in its use. Bugga!
Anyway keep them coming. Jud
